Sphagnum moss download free
Sphagnum moss download free

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It is in part to address a criticism sometimes levelled at the Field Guide – that some accounts make it sound simpler to identify certain species than it actually is. The idea of this spreadsheet is to help less-experienced bryologists – or those going to an unfamiliar area – with hints on when specimens should be collected for confirmation, when capsules are required for identification etc. The current BBS Moss and Liverwort Recorders, Sharon Pilkington and Nick Hodgetts, have also put together a spreadsheet listing all the species currently recognised within Britain and Ireland (as of January 2021), giving each an ‘identification difficulty’ rating and with helpful notes for many. Individual species resources are included on the relevant Species page, and books are listed on the Bryophyte literature page. This page lists useful resources applicable to genera or groups of species.

sphagnum moss download free

Introduction… and identification difficulty ratings

Sphagnum moss download free